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November 1999

November 7th - 28th 1999


The last time Jon Mitton and Jonathan Ross collaborated was in 1994 when Ross agreed to sponsor a Liverpool exhibition of Mitton's. The frankly sexual content of the show led to a visit from the boys in blue and a footnote in the history of censorship in art. Now Ross has his own gallery in London and Mitton is back with a new body of work incorporating paintings, projections, pay to view machines, holograms, lenticulars ....

After several years of silence Mr Mitton agreed to speak from his new home town of Rosscarberry, deep in the south of Ireland, fully suited with paintbrush clearly aimed at a canvas on which the word Tesco had been carefully hand drawn.

JM: I used to be known as Tesco Jon when I lived in Liverpool, mainly because I had it painted on the back of a leather jacket I'd swapped for a tailcoat in Burnley.

But why Tesco?

Well, I think it was 1988 that I first had the idea based on the growing trend of labelism which got to me deeply...I found it very disturbing how we as humans would decorate ourselves with corporate logos. As a punk I felt the hollowness of corporate IDs enveloping the youth culture, turning ideas of freedom and self expression into off-the-shelf commodities... "Ah fuck it, the planet will collide with the sun one day and all this will be forgotten".

Hmmm, slightly Nihilistic...but that leads nicely to the subject of (F).

Yeah, that old chestnut, eh? Well, back in 1987 a couple of friends and I started a band called (F) or 'Fuck Off' for short. We'd all been reading the works of Wilson Brian Key, a famous authority on the use of subliminal trickery used in advertising. The books are quite shocking and really turned us off the media whose exploitations had become clear. (F) was a result of that and, in true Punk spirit, we named the year Fuck'87 and endeavored to create as much havoc as possible including such gags as spraying a newly stoneblasted wall in the centre of Burnley with 'Vote Conservative'. Ha ha ha ha ha ha...as well as playing music of course.

So, briefly, what was the main focus of (F) after the move to Liverpool in 1988?

Well, by 1992 it had become Sex...mainly because our research into the manipulation of the consumer kept leading back to the use and abuse of the human body and, it goes without saying, mainly the female body. So I came up with the idea of an exhibition called Hardcore Holography, using animated holograms to reveal a positive view of sexual mores outside of glossy magazines and adverts. The exhibition was created by six members of (F), five female and one male, but unfortunately the vice squad closed the exhibition down two days after it opened and the images haven't been shown since then.

So what are we likely to see at your exhibition in London in November?

Since (F) folded I have been working alone to pull together ideas I've been developing over the past 13 years. The exhibition is called 'consumer' and combines a large array of media to create a Thought Bog. It combines surrealism with dada so I suppose you could say it's a surdadarealist exhibition of cerebral popcorn. It's a big bag of Mind Toffee that includes some of the Hardcore Holography images, as well as new work that investigates the hidden sexuality of office workers and the truth behind the Flake advert, amongst other things. Like I say it's just a big mind of bog toffee - you have to come and see it.


'consumer' was on show, by invitation only at Gallery 286,
286 Earl's Court Road, London SW5 9AS.

Private views were held on:
Sunday 7th November 12.00-3pm
Tuesday 9th November 6.30 - 8.30 pm
Thursday 11th November 6.30 - 8.30pm

and by appointment until November 26th 1999.

For further information, pictures etc.
please contact Jonathan Ross on 0207 370 2239

and see the website @ http://come.to/consume

Some images involve explicit sexual interaction and may offend.

Visit Jon Mitton's web site


Price list for Consumer by Jon Mitton

Gallery 296, November 7th - November 26th 1999


1. Ongoing oil on canvas + lenticular 36.5"x30", £2200

2. Pattern reflection hologram 32cm x 43cm, £1200

3. A Trip at Christmas gouache on paper 10.5"x13", £400

4. Claustrophobia reflection hologram 32cm x 43cm, £1200

5. H.O.P.E. oil on canvas + reflection hologram 37" x 31", £2200

6. Self-Portrait with Fish reflection hologram 8"x10", NFS

7. Exoskeleton 3 oil on canvas + reflection hologram 16"x30", £750

8. Warning engraved perspex + motorised hologram 36"x24", £950

9. Wanker U-view machine + lenticular prototype, NFS

10. Advert 1 U-view machine + lenticular prototype, NFS

11. Consume Her U-view machine + lenticular prototype, NFS

12. Exoskeleton 2 oil on canvas + reflection hologram 16"x30", £750

13. Please Take One wood construction with postcards 12"x6"x5", 250

14. Cocaine oil on canvas + reflection hologram 37"x31", £2000

15. Please Take One wood construction with postcards 12"x6"x5", £250

16. Exoskeleton 1 oil on canvas + reflection hologram 16"x30", £750

17. Bagpuss* multiplex hologram 7" diameter, £900

18. Adverscope steel construction + motorised 17.5" perspex discs, P.O.A

19. Gasometer* multiplex hologram 7" diameter, £900

20. Dunce* multiplex hologram 8"x10", £950

21. You Will Obey* multiplex hologram 8"x10", £950

22. Inflater* multiplex hologram 8"x10", £950

23. F Faces* multiplex hologram 8"x10", £950

24. Skirt'* multiplex hologram 8"x10", £950

25. Paranoia is as Essential as Vitamin C* multiplex hologram 8"x10", £950

* 'TIME MACHINES' - for displaying holograms, sold separately, £300 each

An installation service is available for holographic artworks.

For further information contact Jonathan Ross.

Some images involve explicit sexual interaction and may offend.

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An Invitation

The Jonathan Ross Hologram Collection website was launched in 2005 and redesigned in 2013.

The new format has scope for lots more material so I would like to invite all the holographers whose work is featured here to submit background information, stories and images to supplement those I have provided. That way we can work together to make this the best resource on holographic imaging to be found on the web.

About the Collection

The Jonathan Ross Hologram Collection, based in London, UK, is one of the largest resources in the world for creative, display and commercial holography.

A number of touring exhibitions, containing work from the collection, have been presented in outstanding museums and galleries both within the UK and abroad. Information about new acquisitions and exhibitions is added here on a regular basis.  

Site content and images copyright © Jonathan Ross - All rights reserved