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July 1999

In connection with the Chelsea Festival, London, Gallery 286 showed work from several prominent artists working with holography.


The works in this exhibition are all by artists I have got to know during the twenty years I have been involved with holography. Not all the pieces come from my collection but I own work by all the artists in the show.

The purpose of this selection was to show work which could be acquired by collectors who might respond to the special magic of holography. None of these artists has permanent gallery representation and the opportunities to view their work, let alone buy it, are few and far between. Some of the work is recent but much of it is several years old and comes from a particularly interesting moment in the development of holography, when it was ceasing to be simply a scientific curiosity or a cheap novelty item and was being employed by trained artists for almost the first time.

Margaret Benyon has been making holographic art since the 1960s and has remained an influential and widely exhibited figure in holographic circles. Most of the other artists represented discovered holography in the late 70s or early 80s and worked with it for a number of years. Some are still producing new work, others would like to but do not have the facilities, all remain enthusiasts of the medium.

Much of the work in this exhibition was recorded on glass plates which are no longer available since Agfa-Gevaert ceased production a few years ago. They are consequently already rare objects and will doubtless become increasingly sought after. Holograms of this vintage may be regarded as the Daguerreotypes of holography. They represent a similarly superb technical achievement coupled with artistic flair and imagination and are as far as you can get from the familiar image of holography as something to be found on a credit card or in a gift shop.

Most of the artists are MA or PhD graduates of the Royal College of Art which ran a highly creative holography department for ten years from the mid 80s to the mid 90s and then closed down largely due to the lack of any suitably qualified BA applicants. The lack of holography courses in British art schools has stunted the growth of an unique medium whose great artistic potential can be observed from the wide variety of approaches displayed in this show. Commercial holography tends to look extremely uniform. Put the same tools into the hands of a group of artists and the results are as individual as the artists themselves.

I hope you enjoy this exhibition and will visit future ones in this gallery. Looking at holograms is one of my greatest pleasures and I am delighted to be able to share it with a wider audience during the Chelsea Festival.

Jonathan Ross, June 1999


Work shown in the exhibition

1. 'Press' by Pearl John 1999
10"x8" mirror backed white light transmission
hologram on film. Limited Edition

2. 'Tigirl' by Margaret Benyon 1985
33cm x 30cm glass reflection hologram & reproduction
Limited Edition 18/50

3. 'You Will Obey' by Jon Mitton 1992
8"x10" reflection multiplex hologram on glass
Limited Edition

4. 'Footprint' by Martin Wall 1992
10"x8" reflection hologram on glass. Unique

5. 'Xmas Shopping in Köln' by Patrick Boyd 1992
3 reflection stereograms + mixed media
Limited Edition

6. 'Step Down' by Andrew Pepper 1990
10"x8" reflection hologram on film

7. 'Voyage' by Martin Wall 1992
3 4"x5" reflection holograms on glass
in perspex circles. Unique

8. 'Overdrawn' by Andrew Pepper
10"x8" reflection hologram on glass
Limited edition 1/3

9. 'Hand of Glory' by Jim McIntyre 1991
10"x8" mirror backed white light transmission
hologram on fim. Limited Edition

10. 'Nemesis' by Jim McIntyre 1990
60cmx50cm mirror backed white light transmission
hologram on film. Limited Edition

11. 'Hato no naka no Neko' (Cat among the pigeons)
by Patrick Boyd 1996
Holographic stereogram on glass + mixed media
Limited Edition

12. 'The Directress' by Martin Richardson 1992/99
50x50cm white light transmission hologram on film
Limited Edition

13. 'Buddha' by Caroline Palmer 1987
10"x8" reflection hologram on glass
Unlimited Edition

14. 'Water Droplet' by Jeffrey Robb 1994
4"x5" reflection hologram on glass
Unlimited Edition

15. 'Helmet of King Henry VIII' by Rob Munday
32 x 43cm reflection hologram on glass

16. 'Diamonds & Stripes' by Caroline Palmer 1989
10"x8" reflection hologram on glass
Limited Edition

17. 'Wrapped Flowers' by Margaret Benyon 1991
30 x 40cm reflection hologram on glass
Limited Edition

18. 'Sakti Cluster' by Caroline Palmer 1989
10"x8" reflection hologram on glass
Limited Edition

19. 'Arabesque' by David Pizzanelli 1989
10"x8" mirror backed white light transmission hologram
on glass. Limited Edition

20. 'Mother & Child' by David Pizzanelli 1989
4"x5" mirror backed white light transmission hologram
on glass. Limited Edition

21. 'Circles' by Martin Wall 1992.
5"x4" reflection hologram on glass.

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An Invitation

The Jonathan Ross Hologram Collection website was launched in 2005 and redesigned in 2013.

The new format has scope for lots more material so I would like to invite all the holographers whose work is featured here to submit background information, stories and images to supplement those I have provided. That way we can work together to make this the best resource on holographic imaging to be found on the web.

About the Collection

The Jonathan Ross Hologram Collection, based in London, UK, is one of the largest resources in the world for creative, display and commercial holography.

A number of touring exhibitions, containing work from the collection, have been presented in outstanding museums and galleries both within the UK and abroad. Information about new acquisitions and exhibitions is added here on a regular basis.  

Site content and images copyright © Jonathan Ross - All rights reserved