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Title Unknown 86/500

Title Unknown 86/500 Title Unknown 86/500

10" x 8"

Reflection hologram on film

Signed D.Jackson and P.Dunn

According to Paul Dunn, the story of the hologram is briefly as follows:

The main shareholder at Third Dimension (Soloman Balas) aslo had a controlling share of a glass blowing company.  During a visit to them we discussed a method of making glass images of faces by making a sand imprint as a glass 'mould'.  The main glass blower had a friend also visiting (described as a local gay icon - but that is probably something that was more personal).  He had a fantastic face so I asked if they could use his face and allow me to make a hologram of the glass mould.  The intention was to make only two or three and display the glass sculpture in front of the hologram.  The results produced a stunning mix when lit  together.

We were asked for several copies and Soloman decided we should make a limited addition but obviously without the glass sculpture.

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An Invitation

The Jonathan Ross Hologram Collection website was launched in 2005 and redesigned in 2013.

The new format has scope for lots more material so I would like to invite all the holographers whose work is featured here to submit background information, stories and images to supplement those I have provided. That way we can work together to make this the best resource on holographic imaging to be found on the web.

About the Collection

The Jonathan Ross Hologram Collection, based in London, UK, is one of the largest resources in the world for creative, display and commercial holography.

A number of touring exhibitions, containing work from the collection, have been presented in outstanding museums and galleries both within the UK and abroad. Information about new acquisitions and exhibitions is added here on a regular basis.  

Site content and images copyright © Jonathan Ross - All rights reserved