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8" x 10"

Reflection hologram
Silver halide on glass

Multi-channel image with projected real image of 19th century cartes de visite
Signed and numbered 32/50
Provenance: The Hologram Experience, Liverpool

Multiple views shown here:

A label on the back reads as follows:

"A note about the limited edition

The master of this hologram was made with the help of Icon Holographics who supplied me with studio time and staff; the hologram may never have worked without the technical contribution of Frances Tuffy, who
was then working at Icon.
In return for their help, Icon were given the transmission rights for the hologram. Before going out of business Icon made a number of transmission copies, mainly on film.
The number on the front of the hologram applies only to the number of reflection holograms of the 'Camera' to be made before the master is destroyed at Lacock Abbey near Bath, the birth-place of photography in Britain.
Caius Hawkins"

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An Invitation

The Jonathan Ross Hologram Collection website was launched in 2005 and redesigned in 2013.

The new format has scope for lots more material so I would like to invite all the holographers whose work is featured here to submit background information, stories and images to supplement those I have provided. That way we can work together to make this the best resource on holographic imaging to be found on the web.

About the Collection

The Jonathan Ross Hologram Collection, based in London, UK, is one of the largest resources in the world for creative, display and commercial holography.

A number of touring exhibitions, containing work from the collection, have been presented in outstanding museums and galleries both within the UK and abroad. Information about new acquisitions and exhibitions is added here on a regular basis.  

Site content and images copyright © Jonathan Ross - All rights reserved