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2 New Exhibitions

Tuesday, 04 February 2020
Published in News

Cool Holograms, a new exhibition of achromatic and pseudocolour works from the Jonathan Ross Collection, and Micro Mayhem, an exhibition of lenticular prints by Patrick Boyd, are on show at Gallery 286, London from 13th February 2020.

Private view:
Thursday February 13th  6.30 – 8.30pm
Thursday February 27th  6.30 – 8.30pm

Viewing by appointment at other times.

More details here.

New Exhibition - Patrick Boyd

Tuesday, 21 February 2017
Published in News

Patrick Boyd's exhibition Man with a Holo Camera, will be on show at Gallery 286, London, from 7th - 31st March.

A series of holograms & holographic stereograms based around cinematography. The stereograms are small movies with no cast, set or script. The camera is an instrument, much like the human  eye, that is best used to explore these happenings in real life.   The moments of time are then preserved with depth and time in a ghost like memory

More details, and images of Patrick's work, here.


Born Chelsea, London, UK. 1960


3 Reflection holograms

2 x 7.5” x 9.5”, 1x 6.5” x 3.25”


8'' x 10''

Achromate reflection hologram and photograph in box frame


10” x 8”

Reflection hologram

Dupont Photopolymer


32 x 43cm

Reflection holographic stereogram + photographic prints mounted on aluminum

An Invitation

The Jonathan Ross Hologram Collection website was launched in 2005 and redesigned in 2013.

The new format has scope for lots more material so I would like to invite all the holographers whose work is featured here to submit background information, stories and images to supplement those I have provided. That way we can work together to make this the best resource on holographic imaging to be found on the web.

About the Collection

The Jonathan Ross Hologram Collection, based in London, UK, is one of the largest resources in the world for creative, display and commercial holography.

A number of touring exhibitions, containing work from the collection, have been presented in outstanding museums and galleries both within the UK and abroad. Information about new acquisitions and exhibitions is added here on a regular basis.  

Site content and images copyright © Jonathan Ross - All rights reserved